Ryanair Sustainable Aviation Research Centre

The Ryanair and Trinity College Dublin Sustainable Aviation Research Centre

Ryanair Sustainability Day – Pathway to Net Zero @ Trinity College Dublin

We have teamed up with Trinity College Dublin to put in place a number of innovative actions to accelerate the use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). By appointing best-in class researchers, we’ll achieve our goal of powering 12.5% of our flights with SAF by 2030.

Together we will:

  • Increase SAF industry confidence through life cycle analysis of embodied CO2 in SAFs.
  • Pre-screening & certification methodologies for early stage SAF candidates & 100% SAF, allowing more SAF options to the market place.
  • Non-CO2 aviation emissions – quantifying the impacts and controlling the origins.
  • Evaluating the operating impact of zero carbon aircraft propulsion systems.
  • Create a noise map for the minimal noise aircraft fleet.

How is SAF made?

What is SAF and where does it come from?

SAF avoids the generation of new carbon emissions from fossil fuels and minimises global warming.
Rather than being refined from petroleum, SAF is produced from sustainable sources like waste oils (from biological origin), agricultural residues or non-fossil CO2. SAF can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by
up to 80%.

SAF can be blended with fossil jet fuel and requires no special infrastructure or changes to equipment.
Once blended, this fuel can be fully certified and have the same specifications as that of fossil jet fuel.
Therefore, it is essential that we understand which SAFs will genuinely reduce carbon emissions. Only
then can we have an effective regulatory framework that ensures the production of SAF does not erode
or hamper the use of dedicated cropland needed for food production.

Aviation is not the only industry that will want to introduce more sustainable fuels. We must think outside the box and remain inventive to keep costs low, reduce competition for SAF and ensure we opt to use a fuel that can clearly demonstrate significant greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions. SAF is a very useful way to reduce carbon emissions, we simply want to ensure it is as safe and sustainable as it can possibly be.

Fast Facts