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Cabin Crew Recruitment In UK

Ryanair, Europe’s No 1 airline, today (12 Apr) announced that it is recruiting over 200 cabin crew for its bases throughout the UK. Crewlink, Ryanair’s recruitment partner, will be hosting recruitment events in East Midlands, London and Manchester in the coming weeks, and all interested in these positions are welcome to apply.   Full training will be provided and prior experience is not necessary. Applicants will have the opportunity to be based in one of … more

News 12 Apr 2018

Ryanair Lansează 4 Noi Rute Din București Pentru Iarna 2018

Mai Multe Zboruri Către Atena, Londra, Milano Și Timișoara 1.850.000 De Clienți P.A. Și O Creștere De 18% Ryanair, compania aeriană Nr. 1 a Europei, a lansat astăzi, 12 aprilie, programul Iarna 2018 București cu … more

News 12 Apr 2018

Η Ryanair Μειωνει Τα Δρομολογια Εσωτερικου Στην Ελλαδα

2 Αεροσκαφη Θα Μεταφερθουν Στη Γερμανια Απο Τον Ιουνιο     Η Ryanair, η Νο 1 αεροπορική εταιρία, σήμερα (11 Απριλίου) ανακοίνωσε την μείωση των δρομολογίων εσωτερικού στην Ελλάδα μεταφέροντας αεροσκάφη από την Αθήνα (1) … more

News 11 Apr 2018

84% Dos Voos Da Ryanair Em Março Sem Atrasos

Ryanair, a companhia aérea favorita na Europa, lançou hoje as estatisticas de Março de 2018 que confirmam que a Ryanair continua a ser a companhia aérea nº1 em serviço ao cliente com:   84% de … more

News 11 Apr 2018


Ryanair, linia lotnicza nr 1 w Polsce, dziś (10 kwietnia) opublikowała marcowe statystyki. Dane potwierdzają, iż Ryanair jest liderem pod wzgędem obsługi klienta wśród linii lotniczych w Europie.   Punktualność 84% z ponad 50.000 lotów … more

News 11 Apr 2018

L’84% Dei Voli Ryanair In Orario Nel Mese Di Marzo

Ryanair, la compagnia aerea n.1 in Italia, ha rilasciato oggi (10 aprile) le statistiche del customer service relative al mese di marzo, che riconfermano Ryanair come prima compagnia aerea in Europa in termini di servizio al cliente, … more

News 10 Apr 2018

84% Af Ryanairs Fly Til Tiden I Marts

Ryanair, Europas foretrukne flyselskab, udgav i dag (d. 10. april) sin kundeservicestatistik for marts 2018, der bekræfter, at Ryanair forbliver Europas foretrukne flyselskab, hvad angår kundeservice med:   84% af mere end 50.000 fly ankom … more

News 10 Apr 2018