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Ryanair Lance Une Nouvelle Ligne De Toulouse À Trapani Pour L’été 2022
Ryanair, la première compagnie aérienne d’Europe, a annoncé aujourd’hui (12 mai) l’ajout d’une nouvelle ligne au programme France été 2022 – Toulouse-Trapani – qui sera exploitée à partir du 1er juillet deux fois par semaine. L’ouverture de cette nouvelle ligne renforce l’engagement de la compagnie aérienne envers la France et la reconstruction de l’industrie touristique du pays, jouant un rôle clé dans la reprise des emplois locaux et de l’économie. Pour célébrer cette nouvelle ligne, … more

Ryanair Annuncia Quattordici Nuove Rotte Estive Per Trapani
22 Rotte Per Una Maggiore Connettività Durante L’estate 2022 Ryanair, compagnia aerea n. 1 in Europa e in Italia, ha annunciato oggi (12 maggio) quattordici nuove rotte per il l’operativo estivo ‘22 di Trapani che … more

Ryanair Świętuje 15-Lecie Operacji W Katowice Airport I Ogłasza Największy W Historii Rozkład Lotów Na Lato 2022
7 Zbazowanych Samolotów (+1) , Inwestycja 700 Mln $, 14 Tras Łącznie Ryanair, linia lotnicza nr 1 w Polsce i w Europie, dziś (12 maja) oficjalnie świętując 15-lecie operacji w Katowice Airport ogłasza największy w … more
Ryanair Announces Winter Maintenance Agreement With STS Aviation Group
This morning (12 May), Ryanair announced a new winter maintenance agreement with UK MRO provider, STS Aviation Group, which will see the airline undertake two lines of heavy maintenance at their modern MRO facility in … more

Ryanair To Drop Mandatory Face Masks On EU Flights From Monday, 16th May In Line With New EASA Guidance
Following today’s (Wed, 11 May) updated EASA/ECDC travel guidance, face masks will no longer be mandatory on EU flights or in EU airports from Monday, 16th May, with the exception only of flights to/from destinations … more
Ryanair Announces Winter Maintenance Agreement With Caerdav
This morning (11 May), Ryanair announced a new winter maintenance agreement with UK based MRO provider, Caerdav, which will see the airline undertake two lines of heavy maintenance with Caerdav at their modern MRO facility … more
Ryanair Svela L’operativo Estivo Più Grande Di Sempre Da Bologna
11 Aeromobili Basati (Inclusi 3 Nuovi “Gamechanger”, $ 1,1 Miliardi Di Investimenti) E 6 Nuove Rotte (72 In Totale) Ryanair, compagnia aerea n. 1 in Europa e in Italia, ha annunciato oggi (10 maggio) l’operativo … more