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Ryanair Announces Additional Domestic Flights This December, Flying Thousands Of UK Students Ho-Ho-Home For Christmas

Ryanair, Europe’s no. 1 airline, today (13 Nov) announced additional domestic flights from 4th Dec, following the UK Govt’s ‘travel window’ announcement permitting students to travel home for Christmas. The student ‘travel window’ states that universities should revert to online teaching to allow students to travel home between 3rd – 9th Dec and Ryanair is delighted to facilitate students returning to their families during this period. As part of our commitment to get students home … more

News 13 Nov 2020

Ryanair Condemns Tánaiste’s Comments, Which Run Contrary To Govt’s Adoption Of EU ‘Traffic Light’ System

Ryanair today (Thurs 12th Nov) condemned Leo Varadkar’s statement advising Irish citizens “not to book flights home for Christmas yet”, which comes less than a week after the EU “Traffic Light” System was adopted by … more

News 13 Nov 2020

Ryanair Calls On Minister Ryan To Extend Airport Rebate Scheme In Line With Aviation Task Force Recommendation

Ryanair today (Tues, 10th Nov) gave a cautious welcome to the Government’s announcement of an airport rebate scheme, although its short duration of just three months will not be sufficient to reverse the traffic collapse … more

News 10 Nov 2020

Punktualność Ryanaira W Październiku Wyniosła 97%

91% Pasażerów Ocenia Lot “Doskonale/Bardzo Dobrze/Dobrze” Ryanair, dziś (4 listopada) opublikował październikowe statystyki w zakresie obsługi klienta: Punktualność Ryanaira wyniosła 97% Ryanair opublikował także październikowe wyniki ankiety ‘Rate My Flight’, w których 91% z prawie … more

News 04 Nov 2020

97% Of Ryanair Flights Arrived On Time In October

91% Of Customers Rate Ryanair Excellent/Very Good/Good Ryanair today (4 Nov) released its October customer service statistics, which demonstrate that: 97% of Oct flights arrived on-time. Ryanair also released its Oct ‘Rate My Flight’ customer experience … more

News 04 Nov 2020

97% Der Ryanair-Flüge Kamen Im Oktober Pünktlich An

91% Der Kunden Bewerten Ryanair Als “Ausgezeichnet / Sehr Gut / Gut” Ryanair hat heute (4. November) seine Oktober-Kundenservicestatistik veröffentlicht, welche Folgendes zeigt: 97% der Flüge im Oktober kamen pünktlich an. Ryanair veröffentlichte zudem für Oktober ihren monatlichen „Rate My … more

News 04 Nov 2020

Il 97% Dei Voli Ryanair È Arrivato In Orario A Ottobre

Il 91% Dei Clienti Ha Giudicato Ryanair ‘Eccellente/Molto Buono/Buono’ Ryanair ha reso note oggi (4 novembre) le statistiche del servizio clienti per il mese di ottobre, secondo le quali: Il 97% dei voli di ottobre … more

News 04 Nov 2020