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Já Estão Disponíveis Os Voos Ryanair Com Conexão No Porto

3 de Janeiro de 2018. Ryanair, a companhia aérea nº1 da Europa, anunciou hoje que o seu serviço de voos com conexão no Aeroporto do Porto já está disponível, proporcionando aos seus clientes opções adicionais de rotas e a oportunidade de reservar e fazer a passagem directa entre voos conectantes Ryanair. No seguimento do sucesso do lançamento de voos com conexão em Roma Fiumicino e Milão Bergamo, os clientes Ryanair poderão a partir de agora: … more

News 03 Jan 2018

Connecting Flights At Porto Now Live

Ryanair, Europe’s No. 1 airline, today (3 Jan) announced its connecting flights service from Porto Airport is now live, providing Ryanair customers with an expanded route choice, and the opportunity to book and transfer directly … more

News 03 Jan 2018

Traficul Ryanair Crește În Decembrie Cu 3% Până La 9.3m De Clienți

129m De Clienți Transportați În 2017 Ryanair, Compania Aeriană Nr. 1 a Europei, a publicat astăzi, 3 ianuarie, raportul de trafic pentru decembrie, după cum urmează: – Traficul a crescut cu 3% până la 9.3 … more

News 03 Jan 2018

Η Επιβατικη Κινηση Της Ryanair Το Δεκεμβριο Αυξηθηκε Κατα 3% Σε 9.3 Εκατομμυρια Επιβατες

Η Ryanair Διακινησε 129 Εκατομμυρια Επιβατες Το 2017 Η Ryanair, η Νο.1 αεροπορική εταιρία της Ευρώπης, ανακοίνωσε σήμερα, (3 Ιανουαρίου) τα στατιστικά στοιχεία επιβατικής κίνησης Δεκεμβρίου, σύμφωνα με τα οποία: – H κίνηση αυξήθηκε κατά … more

News 03 Jan 2018

Ryanair Dec Traffic Grows 3% To 9.3m Customers

129m Customers Carried During 2017 Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (3 Jan) released December traffic statistics as follows: – Traffic grew 3% to 9.3m customers. – Load factor rose 1% point to 95% – Rolling … more

News 03 Jan 2018

Ryanair Regrets Unnecessary 4 Hour German Strike Threat For Fri 22 Dec

Ryanair sincerely regrets receiving notice of a threatened 4 hour pilot strike (from 5am to 9am) in Germany tomorrow Fri 22 Dec. This disruption called by the VC pilot union is unjustified and unnecessary when … more

News 21 Dec 2017

Ryanair Confirms It Will Recognise Cabin Crew Unions

As Ryanair’s statement of Fri 15 Dec made clear, Ryanair is moving to recognise unions, starting this week with meetings with Irish, German and Portuguese pilot unions. It will lead on in the New Year to … more

News 19 Dec 2017