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Ryanair’s Lviv – Berlin Service Launches One Month Early

2 X Weekly Flights From September Ryanair, Europe’s favourite airline, today (6 Apr) announced that its new twice weekly     Lviv – Berlin service will commence in September due to strong demand from Ukrainian consumers, as part of its expanded Lviv winter 2017 schedule. Ryanair celebrated its new Lviv – Berlin route by releasing seats for sale at prices starting from just €19.99 (579 UAH) for travel in September and October. These low fare seats are … more

News 06 Apr 2017

92% Of Ryanair Customers Satisfied With Flight Experience

Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (5 Apr) released its quarterly ‘Rate My Flight’ statistics, which show that 92% of surveyed customers were happy with their overall flight experience in January, February and March 2017. Some … more

News 05 Apr 2017

92% Klientų Yra Patenkinti „Ryanair“ Paslaugomis

Šiandiena, balandžio mėn. 5 d., Europoje pirmaujanti aviakompanija „Ryanair“ paskelbė  „Rate My Flight“ paslaugos statistiką, kuri rodo, kad 92% apklaustų “Ryanair” klientų, kurie 2017 m. sausio, vasario ir kovo mėn. skrido su „Ryanair“, yra patenkinti … more

News 05 Apr 2017

March Traffic Grows 10% To 9.4m Customers

LOAD FACTOR UNCHANGED AT 94% OVER 500 FLIGHTS (100K PAX) CANCELLED DUE TO ATC STRIKES Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (4 Apr) released March traffic statistics as follows: Traffic grew 10% to 9.4m customers. Load … more

News 04 Apr 2017

Ryanair Issues €750m Eurobond At 1.125% Fixed For 6.5 Years

Ryanair today (8 Feb) announced that it has issued a 6.5 year, €750m, Eurobond at a fixed coupon of 1.125%. Ryanair is rated BBB+ (stable) by both Standard & Poor’s and Fitch Ratings. These ratings … more

News 08 Feb 2017


Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (7 Feb) launched a new annual multi-trip travel insurance service on the website, offering its 119m customers the best value travel insurance, alongside Europe’s lowest air fares. Launched in … more

News 07 Feb 2017

Q3 profit falls 8% to €95m: Fares decline by 17% while traffic grows 16%

EX-FUEL UNIT COSTS CUT 6% Ryanair, Europe’s No. 1 airline, today (6 Feb) reported that Q3 profits fell 8% to €95m, as average fares fell by 17% to just €33 per passenger, while traffic grew … more

News 06 Feb 2017