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Corporate Partnership With The National Gallery Of Ireland

Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (16 Apr) announced a new 3 year Premier Corporate Partnership with the National Gallery of Ireland in Dublin. The partnership, which runs until 2020, will enable Ryanair to support the arts under its “Always Getting Better” programme. The newly refurbished Gallery, which was founded in 1854, is located on Dublin’s Merrion Square West and is one of Ireland’s leading institutions of cultural importance, attracting over a million visitors per year. … more

News 16 Apr 2018

41 Neue Sommerstrecken Ab Heute Auf Der Buchbar

Ryanair, Europas Airline Nr. 1, hat heute bestätigt, dass ab sofort 41 neue Strecken für den Sommer 2018 auf der buchbar sind, der weltweit meistbesuchten Airline-Website. Der Kaufvertrag zwischen Ryanair und hat somit … more

News 13 Apr 2018

41 New Summer Routes On Sale Today On

Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline today (11 Apr) confirmed that 41 new Summer 2018 routes are now on sale on, the world’s most visited airline website. Ryanair’s sales agreement with now means that even … more

News 13 Apr 2018

Ryanair Recrutează Însoțitori De Bord În România

Ryanair, compania aeriană Nr. 1 a Europei, a anunțat astăzi, 13 aprilie, că recrutează însoțitori de bord pentru bazele sale din Europa. În următoarele săptămâni, Crewlink, partener de recrutare pentru Ryanair, va găzdui sesiuni de … more

News 13 Apr 2018

Ryanair Zatrudni W Polsce 200 Członków Załóg Pokładowych

  Ryanair, linia lotnicza nr 1 w Polsce, dziś (13 kwietnia) poinformowała, iż zamierza zatrudnić 200 członków załóg pokładowych do swoich baz w Polsce. Crewlink – firma rekrutująca na rzecz Ryanaira, zorganizuje w ciągu najbliższych … more

News 13 Apr 2018

Ryanair Recruta Tripulantes De Cabina Em Portugal

Ryanair, a companhia aérea nº1 na Europa, anunciou hoje que está recrutar tripulantes de cabine para as suas bases Europeias. Crewlink, o parceiro de recrutamento da Ryanair, irá organizar ao longo das próximas semanas sessões … more

News 13 Apr 2018

Ryanair Busca Tripulantes De Cabina En España

Ryanair, la primera aerolínea en Europa, ha anunciado que reclutará a tripulación de cabina para sus bases en Europa. Crewlink, socio oficial de contratación para la tripulación de cabina de Ryanair, celebrará durante las próximas … more

News 13 Apr 2018