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Ryanair Ogłasza 8 Nowych Tras Z Polski Dodatkowe 100.000 Miejs W Sprzedaży Na Lato 2021

Ryanair, linia lotnicza nr 1 w Polsce i w Europie, dziś (1 kwietnia) ogłosiła 8 nowych tras – z Warszawy Modlin do Bari, Katanii, Zadaru oraz na Zakynthos, z Gdańska do Kopenhagi, Haugesund i Zadaru oraz z Wrocławia do Zadaru. Linia poinformowała również o zwiększeniu częstotliwości lotów na najpopularniejszych trasach. Nowe trasy oraz dodatkowe loty uruchomione zostaną w lipcu i staną się częscią rozkładu lotów Ryanaira z Polski na lato 2021. Pasażerowie mogą teraz zarezerwować … more

News 01 Apr 2021

Ryanair Launches Over 60,000 Additional Seats And A Further Two New Routes To Greece This Summer

Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (01 Apr) announced 60,000 additional seats to Greece this summer, launching two new routes and 16 additional flights per week on existing routes to Greece from Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, … more

News 01 Apr 2021

Ryanair Launches Three New Bulgarian Routes For Summer ‘21

Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (01 Apr) announced three new Bulgarian routes from Sofia to Bari, Bologna and Budapest from July as part of Ryanair’s Bulgarian Summer 2021 schedule. Bulgarian consumers can now book a … more

News 01 Apr 2021

Ryanair Launches New Vilnius To Billund Route For Summer ‘21

Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (1 Apr) announced a new Vilnius to Billund route, commencing in July 2021, flying three times per week as part of Ryanair’s Lithuanian Summer 2021 schedule. Lithuanian consumers can now … more

News 01 Apr 2021

Ryanair Launches 12 New Danish Routes For Summer ‘21

Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (1 Apr) announced 12 new Danish routes to destinations in Croatia, Greece, Italy, Poland, Spain and Lithuania, starting in July, as part of Ryanair’s Danish Summer 2021 schedule. Danish consumers … more

News 01 Apr 2021

Ryanair Launches Three New Romanian Routes For Summer ‘21

Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (1 Apr) announced three new Romanian routes to / from Alghero, Rome Ciampino and Milan Bergamo (all starting in July) as part of Ryanair’s Romanian Summer 2021 schedule. Romanian consumers … more

News 01 Apr 2021

Ryanair Lancia Tre Nuove Rotte Nazionali Da Pescara Questa Estate

Ryanair, la compagnia aerea numero uno in Italia, ha lanciato oggi (1 aprile) il proprio operativo rivisto per l’estate 2021 su Pescara, che include tre nuove rotte verso Treviso (a partire da giugno), Alghero e … more

News 01 Apr 2021