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Ryanair Renews Childline Charity Partnership For 2018

Ryanair, Europe’s favourite airline, today (13 Mar) renewed its charity partnership with ISPCC Childine, which will be its chosen charity partner once again in 2018.  ISPCC Childline provides a 24 hour listening service, which empowers children using telephone, online and text services. Over 90% of ISPCC Childline funding is raised through corporate and individual donations and this partnership will allow Ryanair to support this worthy cause through a number of fundraising initiatives over the next … more

News 13 Mar 2018

Ryanair Spendet 10.000 Euro An Verein Kinderhilfe

Dublin/Berlin, 12. März 2018. Ryanair, Europas beliebteste Low-Cost-Airline, hat 10.000 Euro an den Verein KINDERHILFE gespendet. Hierbei handelt es sich um die jüngste Spende, die Ryanair dank der „Fly to Win“-Rubbellose einer Reihe von Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen … more

News 12 Mar 2018

Ryanair Wprowadza Nową Politykę Ochrony Środowiska

Linia Lotnicza Oferuje Klientom Dobrowolne Składki Mające Na Celu Zrównoważenie Skutków Emisji Dwutlenku Węgla     Zebrane Fundusze Wspomogą Projekty Przeciwdziałające Zmianom Klimatu  Ryanair, najbardziej ekolgiczna linia lotnicza w Europie, dziś (8 marca) wprowadziła nową … more

News 09 Mar 2018

Ryanair Will Now Accept Discover Global Network Cards

Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (8 Mar) announced a new acceptance agreement with Discover Global Network, providing customers, business travellers and corporate travel departments with even more ways to book the lowest fares on the … more

News 08 Mar 2018

Ryanair e ANPAC Siglano Un Accordo Di Riconoscimento Sindacale Per L’italia

Per Ryanair L’italia Rappresenta Il 20% In Termini Di Flotta E Piloti Ryanair ha confermato oggi (8 marzo) di aver siglato con l’italiana ANPAC (Associazione Nazionale Piloti Aviazione Civile) un accordo per il riconoscimento sindacale: … more

News 08 Mar 2018

Ryanair & ANPAC sign Recognition Agreement For Italy

Italy Accounts For 20% Of Ryanair’s Fleet And Pilots Ryanair today (8 Mar) confirmed that it has signed a Union Recognition agreement with ANPAC (Italian Airline Pilots Association), who will now be the sole representative … more

News 08 Mar 2018

Společnost Ryanair Bude V Zimě 2018 Z Prahy Operovat 5 Nových Linek

Ryanair, evropský letecký dopravce č. 1, dnes (8. března) zveřejnil svůj pražský letový řád pro zimní sezónu 2018, v rámci kterého nabídne z Prahy 5 nových leteckých spojení, včetně linek do Marrákeše a na letiště Ejlat Ovda. … more

News 08 Mar 2018