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Ryanair, today (15th Sept) announced that it would cancel 40-50 flights daily for the next six weeks (to the end of October) to improve its system-wide punctuality which has fallen below 80% in the first two weeks of September through a combination of ATC capacity delays and strikes, weather disruptions and the impact of increased holiday allocations to pilots and cabin crew as the airline moves to allocate annual leave during a 9 month transition … more

News 15 Sep 2017

Ryanair Startet Riesige “100 Tage Bis Weihnachten”-Rabattaktion – 50.000 Tickets Für Reisen Von Oktober Bis Dezember 2017

Ryanair, Europas Airline Nr. 1, hat heute eine riesige “100 Tage bis Weihnachten”-Rabattaktion gestartet, bei der es 50.000 Tickets im Streckennetz für 9,99 Euro für Reisen von Oktober bis Dezember 2017 gibt. Kunden können so … more

News 15 Sep 2017

Ryanair Lança Promoção Massiva “100 Dias Até Ao Natal” – 50,000 Lugares A €9.99 Para Viagens Entre Outubro E Dezembro

Ryanair, a companhia aérea favorita na Europa, lançou hoje uma mega promoção em toda a sua rede – “100 dias até ao Natal”. A promoção conta com 50,000 lugares a €9.99 para viagens entre Outubro … more

News 15 Sep 2017

Ryanair Lancia La Maxi – Vendita “100 Giorni A Natale” – 50.000 Posti Da €9.99 Per Viaggiare Tra Ottobre E Dicembre

Ryanair, la compagnia aerea No. 1 in Europa, ha lanciato oggi (15 settembre) sul suo network la maxi vendita “100 giorni a Natale” con 50.000 posti in vendita a partire da €9,99 per viaggiare da … more

News 15 Sep 2017

Massive ‘100 Days To Christmas’ Seat Sale Launched With 50,000 Seats At €9.99 For Travel October-December

  Ryanair, Europe’s No. 1 airline, today (15 Sep) launched a huge ‘100 Days to Christmas’ seat sale across its network, with 50,000 seats on sale at €9.99 for travel from October to December, allowing customers … more

News 15 Sep 2017

Ryanair Lanceert Zomer 2018 Schema Voor Brussel – 6 Nieuwe Routes Naar Lissabon, Malta, Napels, Plovdiv, Varna & Wroclaw

Ryanair, de Belgische No.1 airline lanceert vandaag zijn zomerseizoen 2018 in Brussel, waaronder 6 nieuwe routes van Brussel Charleroi naar Lissabon, Malta, Napels, Plovdiv, Varna en Wroclaw en meer vluchten naar Alicante, Brindisi, Porto en … more

News 14 Sep 2017

Ryanair Lance Son Programme D’été 2018 Pour Bruxelles – 6 Nouvelles Lignes Vers Lisbonne, Malte, Naples, Plovdiv, Varna & Wroclaw

Ryanair, la compagnie aérienne n⁰1 en Belgique, a lancé aujourd’hui (14 septembre) son programme d’été 2018 pour Bruxelles, comprenant 6 nouvelles lignes au départ de Bruxelles Charleroi vers Lisbonne, Malte, Naples, Plovdiv, Varna et Wroclaw, … more

News 14 Sep 2017