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97% Of Ryanair Flights Arrived On Time In October
91% Of Customers Rate Ryanair Excellent/Very Good/Good Ryanair today (4 Nov) released its October customer service statistics, which demonstrate that: 97% of Oct flights arrived on-time. Ryanair also released its Oct ‘Rate My Flight’ customer experience scores, which show 91% of nearly 45,000 respondents rated their flight ‘Excellent/Very Good/Good’, with high ratings for crew friendliness (94%), onboard service (92%), boarding (88%) and range of food & drink (86%). Rate My Flight Excell/V Good/Good Customer Experience 91% … more

97% Der Ryanair-Flüge Kamen Im Oktober Pünktlich An
91% Der Kunden Bewerten Ryanair Als “Ausgezeichnet / Sehr Gut / Gut” Ryanair hat heute (4. November) seine Oktober-Kundenservicestatistik veröffentlicht, welche Folgendes zeigt: 97% der Flüge im Oktober kamen pünktlich an. Ryanair veröffentlichte zudem für Oktober ihren monatlichen „Rate My … more

Il 97% Dei Voli Ryanair È Arrivato In Orario A Ottobre
Il 91% Dei Clienti Ha Giudicato Ryanair ‘Eccellente/Molto Buono/Buono’ Ryanair ha reso note oggi (4 novembre) le statistiche del servizio clienti per il mese di ottobre, secondo le quali: Il 97% dei voli di ottobre … more

El Índice De Puntualidad De Ryanair Alcanza EL 97% En Octubre
El 91% de los clientes de Ryanair han valorado sus vuelos como “Excelente/Muy Bueno/Bueno” Madrid, 4 de noviembre de 2020. Ryanair ha anunciado hoy sus estadísticas del servicio de atención al cliente correspondientes al mes … more

97% Des Vols Ryanair Arrivés À L’heure En Octobre
91% Des Clients Évaluent Leur Vol Comme « Excellent / Très Bien / Bien » Ryanair a publié aujourd’hui (4 novembre) ses statistiques de service à la clientèle pour le mois d’octobre, qui indiquent que: … more
97% Dos Voos Da Ryanair Chegaram No Horário Previsto Em Outubro
91% Dos Clientes Classificaram O Seu Voo Ryanair Como Excelente/Muito Bom/Bom Lisboa, 4 de novembro de 2020. A Ryanair divulgou hoje as suas estatísticas de serviço ao cliente correspondentes ao mês de outubro, que demonstram: … more
Ryanair October Traffic Down 70% To 4.1m Guests
73% Load Factor As Covid-19 Continues To Impact Traffic Ryanair Holdings plc today (3 Nov) released October traffic statistics as follows: 2019 2020 Growth Ryanair Group 13.8m 4.1m -70% … more