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Ryanair To Open New Düsseldorf Base (No. 86)

1 Based Aircraft, 2 New Routes To Alicante & Malaga & 140,000 C’mers Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (26 Apr) announced that it will open a new base at Düsseldorf Airport from June, its 11th base in Germany and 86th in Europe, with 1 based aircraft, as it launched 2 new summer routes to Alicante and Malaga. These new Ryanair routes are in addition to the daily service to Palma de Mallorca which was announced … more

News 26 Apr 2018

Ryanair Anuncia Tres Nuevas Rutas Entre Palma Y Santander, Valladolid Y Zaragoza

Ryanair, la primera aerolínea en España, ha anunciado hoy tres nuevas rutas entre Palma y Santander, Valladolid y Zaragoza. Estos nuevos servicios operarán durante la temporada alta del calendario de verano de 2018 (de junio … more

News 24 Apr 2018

Ryanair Exercises 25 Boeing-Max-200 Options

Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (24 Apr) announced the exercise of 25 Boeing 737 MAX 200 “Gamechanger” aircraft options, bringing its total firm orders for this aircraft to 135, the first of which come onstream … more

News 24 Apr 2018

Ryanair Startet Neue Strecke Von Memmingen Nach Bosnien Und Herzegowina

Ryanair, Europas Airline Nr. 1, hat heute die ersten Flüge nach Bosnien und Herzegowina verkündet – mit einer neuen Route von Memmingen nach Banja Luka. Diese Strecke wird im Rahmen des Winterflugplans 2018/19 ab November … more

News 23 Apr 2018

Ryanair Lance Une Nouvelle Ligne Entre Bruxelles Charleroi Et La Bosnie-Herzégovine

Ryanair, la compagnie aérienne n⁰1 en Europe, a lancé aujourd’hui (23 avril) son premier vol vers la Bosnie-Herzégovine avec une nouvelle ligne de Bruxelles Charleroi à Banja Luka qui opérera avec deux vols par semaine … more

News 23 Apr 2018

First Flights From Bosnia & Herzegovina

Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (23 Apr) announced its first flights from Bosnia and Herzegovina with two new routes from Banja Luka to Brussels Charleroi and Memmingen. Both routes will operate twice weekly from November, … more

News 23 Apr 2018

92% Af Ryanairs Kunder Er Tilfredse Med Flyoplevelsen

Ryanair, Europas foretrukne flyselskab, udgav i dag (d.18. april) sin statistik ’Rate My Flight’ for første kvartal, som viser, at 92% af de undersøgte kunder var tilfredse med deres samlede flyoplevelse i januar, februar og … more

News 18 Apr 2018