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Ryanair, astăzi, 25 septembrie, a oferit o actualizare privind situația celor 2,100 de zboruri ale sale (dintr-un total de 130,000) din septembrie și octombrie, după cum urmează: – Toți cei 315,000 de clienți au fost notificați pe email (în cursul zilei de Luni, 18 septembrie) – Până Duminică, 24 septembrie, peste 305,000 de solicitări de rute alternative sau rambursări de costuri au fost procesate (peste 97% din clienții afectați) – Cei rămași, 3% din clienți … more

News 25 Sep 2017

Cancellations & Punctuality – Update

Ryanair today (25 Sept) updated its progress on the cancellation of 2,100 of its 130,000 flights in Sept and Oct as follows: – All 315,000 customers received email notices (on Mon 18th) – By Sun … more

News 25 Sep 2017

Shareholders Approve All Resolutions At Its AGM

Ryanair Holdings PLC today (21 Sept) held its 2017 AGM at its Dublin Offices during which shareholders approved all resolutions by substantial majorities. The shareholder votes in favour of the Financial Report (99.2% in favour) … more

News 21 Sep 2017


Ryanair, compania aeriană Nr. 1 a Europei, astăzi, 19 septembrie, a lansat o nouă rută din București către Paphos, cu o frecvență de trei zboruri săptămânale, începând din aprilie 2018, prima din noile rute ale … more

News 20 Sep 2017

Ryanair Publishes List Of Flights To Be Cancelled Up To End Of October – Over 98% Of Ryanair Customers Will Be Unaffected

Ryanair today (18 Sept) confirmed that it has published the full list of flight cancellations (now less than 50 per day) between Thurs 21st Sept. to Tues 31st Oct. next. These cancellations have been allocated … more

News 18 Sep 2017

Massive ‘100 Days To Christmas’ Seat Sale Launched With 50,000 Seats At €9.99 For Travel October-December

  Ryanair, Europe’s No. 1 airline, today (15 Sep) launched a huge ‘100 Days to Christmas’ seat sale across its network, with 50,000 seats on sale at €9.99 for travel from October to December, allowing customers … more

News 15 Sep 2017

Ryanair Welcomes ECJ “Mons” Ruling Upholding EU Law & Ryanair’s Position On Member State Jurisdiction For International Transport Workers

Ryanair today (14 Sept) welcomed the decision of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in the “Mons” case which found in favour of Ryanair by rejecting the CTC Union argument that the home base (i.e … more

News 14 Sep 2017