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Ryanair Risponde Alla Forte Domanda Incrementando I Voli Tra Palermo E Memmingen

Ryanair, la compagnia aerea numero 1 in Europa, ha annunciato oggi (17 settembre) che incrementerà il numero di frequenze tra Palermo e Memmingen. In seguito alla forte domanda da parte dei consumatori italiani e tedeschi, Ryanair, a partire dal 25 ottobre, opererà 3 voli settimanali (1 in più) tra i due aeroporti, nell’ambito del proprio operativo per l’inverno 2020 e l’estate 2021. I viaggiatori italiani possono ora prenotare un viaggio a Memmingen fino a ottobre … more

News 17 Sep 2020

Ryanair Calls On The Government To Immediately Align Ireland’s “Green” List With The EU’s Traffic Light System

Ryanair, Europe’s largest airline, today (Wed, 16 Sept) called on the Irish Government to scrap the 14-day quarantine for all EU countries that are classified as ‘Green’ or ‘Orange’ in the EU Commission’s traffic light … more

News 17 Sep 2020

Ryanair Responds To Strong Customer Demand With Even More Flights From Vilnius To Liverpool

Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (15 Sept) announced it will add more flights from Vilnius to Liverpool. In light of strong demand from both Lithuanian & British consumers, Ryanair will now fly 3 times weekly … more

News 15 Sep 2020

Ryanair Responds To Strong Customer Demand With Even More Flights From Liverpool To Vilnius

Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (15 Sept) announced it will add more flights from Liverpool to Vilnius. In light of strong demand from both British and Lithuanian consumers, Ryanair will now fly 3 times weekly … more

News 15 Sep 2020

Ryanair E A Rede De Estudantes Erasmus Renovam A Sua Colaboração Pelo Quarto Ano Consecutivo

Lisboa, 15 de setembro de 2020. Ryanair, a companhia aérea nº 1 da Europa, e a Rede de Estudantes Erasmus (ESN) renovaram hoje a sua colaboração pelo quarto ano consecutivo. A colaboração, que faz parte … more

News 15 Sep 2020

Ryanair & ESN Célèbrent Le Lancement De La Quatrième Année De Leur Partenariat L’italie & L’espagne Sont Les Destinations Erasmus Les Plus Populaires

Ryanair, la première compagnie aérienne européenne, et le Erasmus Student Network ont célébré aujourd’hui (15 septembre) le lancement de leur quatrième année de partenariat. Lancé dans le cadre des améliorations apportées par Ryanair à son … more

News 15 Sep 2020

Ryanair & Das Erasmus Student Network Feiern Das Vierte Jahr Ihrer Partnerschaft Italien & Spanien Die Beliebtesten Erasmus-Reiseziele

Ryanair, Europas Fluggesellschaft Nr. 1, und das Erasmus Student Network (ESN) feiern heute (15. September) den Beginn des vierten Jahres ihrer Partnerschaft. Als Teil des verbesserten Kundenservices bei Ryanair bietet diese Partnerschaft Erasmus-Studenten eine spezielle … more

News 15 Sep 2020