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90% Of Ryanair Flights On-Time In March

Ryanair, Europe’s No 1 airline, today (12 Apr) released its March customer service statistics, which confirm that Ryanair remains Europe’s No 1 customer service airline with: 90% of over 53,000 flights in March arriving on-time Less than 2.5 complaints per 1,000 customers Less than 1 bag complaint per 2,000 customers Over 99% of all complaints answered within 7 days Ryanair’s Robin Kiely said: “Ryanair carried over 9 million customers in March with 90% of our … more

News 12 Apr 2017

Ryanair Supports EU ‘European Capital Of Tourism’ Project & Warns Of Brexit & Airport Charge Threats To Regional Tourism

Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (11 Apr) hosted a round table discussion in the European Parliament aligning tourism and aviation policy agendas, where it announced its support for the ‘European Capital of Tourism’ initiative, a … more

News 11 Apr 2017

Countdown To Ryanair Gold Cup At Fairyhouse Under Way

Ryanair, Ireland’s No.1 airline, today (10 Apr) got under starter’s orders for the 2017 Ryanair Gold Cup at the Fairyhouse Easter Festival, with less than a week to go to until one of the highlights … more

News 10 Apr 2017

Ryanair Unveils 2017/18 (Year 4) “Always Getting Better” Plan

Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (6 Apr) unveiled its 2017/18 customer experience improvement plan which forms Year 4 of its “Always Getting Better” (AGB) programme, including service, digital, ancillary and inflight developments. The new initiatives … more

News 07 Apr 2017

Ryanair Startet Neue Verbindungen Von Berlin-Schönefeld Nach Lwiw (Ukraine) 2 Monate Früher Aufgrund Von Rekordnachfrage

Ryanair, Europas beliebteste Airline, hat heute bekannt gegeben, dass aufgrund der hohen Buchungsnachfrage bei deutschen Kunden und Deutschland-Urlaubern, die neuen Verbindung von Berlin-Schönefeld nach Lwiw (Ukraine) bereits Anfang September 2017 starten wird (zwei Monate früher … more

News 06 Apr 2017

Ryanair Präsentiert „Always Getting Better“-Programm Für Das Jahr 2017/2018 (4. Jahr Des Programms)

Ryanair, Europas Airline Nr. 1, hat heute seine Neuerungen im Kundenservice für das Jahr 2017/2018 und damit für das vierte Jahr des „Always Getting Better“- Programms präsentiert. Das Programm verbessert das Kundenerlebnis durch Neuerungen im … more

News 06 Apr 2017

Ryanair Dévoile Son Programme « Always Getting Better » 2017/18 (Année 4)

Ryanair, la première compagnie aérienne en Europe, a dévoilé aujourd’hui (6 avril) le quatrième volet de son programme d’amélioration du service à la clientèle « Always Getting Better » (AGB) 2017/18, comprenant de nouveaux développements en termes … more

News 06 Apr 2017