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Ryanair Estende L’annullamento Del Supplemento Di Cambio Volo Alle Prenotazioni Effettuate Entro Il 31 Marzo

“Prenota Ora E, Se I Tuoi Piani Cambiano, Anche La Tua Prenotazione Può Cambiare” Ryanair, la compagnia aerea numero 1 in Europa, ha annunciato oggi (26 gennaio) che estenderà l’annullamento del supplemento per il cambio volo a favore di tutti i clienti che prenoteranno entro il 31 marzo 2021. Inoltre, sono consentite fino a due modifiche della data di prenotazione fino al 31 ottobre 2021. Alla luce delle restrizioni legate al Covid in continua evoluzione, … more

News 26 Jan 2021

Ryanair Extends Zero Change Fee For Bookings Before 31st March

“Book Now And If Your Plans Change So Can Your Booking” Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (26 Jan) announced it is extending its € zero flight change fee for all customers who book before 31st … more

News 26 Jan 2021

Ryanair Disagrees (But Will Comply) With Baseless ASA Ruling

Ryanair respectfully disagrees with the ASA’s decision on Ryanair’s “Jab & Go” ad campaign, as the advert is both factual and accurate, it promotes bookings for “Easter and Summer 2021” on the basis that vaccines … more

News 25 Jan 2021

Ryanair Calls On Belgian Government To Save Jobs And Restore Connectivity

Ryanair, Europe’s largest airline has today (Wednesday, 13th Jan) called on the Belgian Government to save tourism and thousands of jobs by implementing incentive schemes to reduce airport and landing charges and stimulate passenger recovery … more

News 13 Jan 2021

Ryanair En Appelle Au Gouvernement Belge Pour Préserver Des Emplois Et Restaurer La Connectivité

Ryanair, plus grande compagnie aérienne d’Europe, en appelle aujourd’hui (mercredi 13 janvier) au gouvernement belge pour sauver le tourisme et des milliers d’emplois. Ceci par la mise en œuvre de politiques incitatives réduisant les taxes … more

News 13 Jan 2021

Punktualność ryanaira w grudniu wyniosła 92%

89% Pasażerów Ryanaira Ocenia Lot “Doskonale/Bardzo Dobrze/Dobrze” Ryanair, dziś (7 stycznia) opublikował grudniowe statystyki w zakresie obsługi klienta. Punktualność Ryanaira wyniosła 92%, W erze, w której należy przywrócić zaufanie klientów do podróży lotniczych, Ryanair jako … more

News 07 Jan 2021

92% Der Ryanair-Flüge Kamen Im Dezember Pünktlich An

89% Der Kunden Bewerten Ryanair Als “Ausgezeichnet / Sehr Gut / Gut” Ryanair hat heute (7. Januar) ihre monatliche Kundenservicestatistik veröffentlicht, welche zeigt, dass 92% der Flüge im Dezember pünktlich ankamen. In einer Zeit, in der es … more

News 07 Jan 2021