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More Couples Switch To New 10kg Check Bag For Winter Getaways Ryanair today (18 Sept) revealed that more customers with a two-person booking are purchasing its new lower cost €8 x 10kg check bags instead of its 20kg bag (€25) for city breaks and winter … more

News 18 Sep 2018

Ryanair Lance Une Nouvelle Ligne De Bruxelles Charleroi À Catane Via Milan Bergame

Ryanair, la première compagnie aérienne européenne, a lancé aujourd’hui (14 septembre) une nouvelle ligne reliant Bruxelles Charleroi à Catane, via Milan Bergame, en élargissant ses liaisons aériennes via Milan Bergame pour inclure 5 liaisons déjà … more

News 14 Sep 2018

Η Ryanair Ερχεται Σε Συμφωνια Με Ενωσεις Στην Ιταλια Σχετικα Με Τους Ορους Των Συλογικων Συμβασεων

Η Ryanair σήμερα (14 Σεπ) επιβεβαίωσε ότι συνάντησε στην Ρώμη τις 3 κύριες ενώσεις προσωπικού καμπίνας επιβατών, FIT CISL, ANPAC, και ANPAV, και συμφώνησαν σε ένα σύνολο όρων, το οποίο θα αποτελέσει τη βάση μιας … more

News 14 Sep 2018

Ryanair Launches Major Pilot Training Programme in Cork

450 New Pilots to be Trained at AFTA Creating 50 New Jobs Biggest Ever Cork Summer Schedule Launched with 4 New Routes to Budapest, London Luton, Malta & Poznan & 20% Growth Ryanair, Ireland’s No.1 … more

News 14 Sep 2018

Ryanair Raggiunge L’accordo Con I Sindacati Italiani Per Delineare I Termini Del Contratto Collettivo Di Lavoro (CCL)

Ryanair oggi (14 settembre) ha confermato di aver incontrato ieri a Roma i 3 principali sindacati del personale di bordo FIT CISL, ANPAC e ANPAV e di aver siglato una serie di principi che saranno … more

News 14 Sep 2018

Ryanair Reaches Agreement With Italian Unions On Outline Terms Of A Collective Labour Agreement (CLA)

Ryanair today (14 Sept) confirmed that it met in Rome yesterday with the 3 main cabin crew unions FIT CISL, ANPAC, and ANPAV, and a set of agreed principles were signed, which will form the … more

News 14 Sep 2018