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Ryanair Calls On Attorney General’s Office To Expedite (Noise) Statutory Instrument To Allow Dublin’s Second Runway To Proceed
Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (19 July), called for an end to the repeated delays in the delivery of a second runway at Dublin Airport and urged the Attorney General’s Department to expedite the simple piece of primary legislation (the statutory instrument) to make the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) the competent authority to monitor noise regulation, as a matter of urgency. At a time when runway capacity at Dublin is full at peak times, leading … more
Massive €9.99 Seat Sale To Celebrate Carrying 10m Customers in Bratislava
Ryanair, Slovakia’s No. 1 airline, today (18 Jul) celebrated carrying 10 million customers in Bratislava since it commenced operations in 2005. This summer Ryanair offers Slovak customers a choice of over 20 routes to/from Bratislava … more
US Court Ruling Over Twitter Threat Welcomed
Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (14 July) welcomed a United States District Court ruling against an anonymous Twitter user who posted a bomb threat last year. Ryanair obtained a number of subpoenas from Twitter, … more
Ryanair Zachęca Klientów Do Przestrzegania Polityki Przewozu Bagażu Podręcznego
Ryanair, linia lotnicza nr 1 w Polsce, dziś (11 lipca) w związku z rozpoczęciem największego w historii letniego rozkładu lotów zachęciła klientów do przestrzegania polityki przewozu bagażu podręcznego. Ryanair ma najbardziej liberalne w Europie zasady … more
Ryanair Invita A Sus Clientes A Cumplir Con Las Normas De Equipaje De Mano Para Evitar Retrasos Este Verano
Ryanair, la aerolínea favorita en Europa, solicita a sus clientes que cumplan con sus normas de equipaje de mano de cara al comienzo de la temporada de verano, que espera ser la más más intensa … more
Ryanair Fordert Kunden Auf Handgepäck-Bestimmungen Zu Befolgen, Um Flugverspätungen Im Sommer Zu Vermeiden
Ryanair, Europas Airline Nr. 1, fordert seine Kunden dazu auf, Handgepäck-Bestimmungen zu befolgen, da nun die verkehrsreichste Sommersaison aller Zeiten beginnt. Ryanair-Kunden genießen die großzügigsten Handgepäck-Bestimmungen in Europa und dürfen ein 10 Kilo schweres Handgepäckstück … more
Ryanair Face Un Apel Către Clienți Să Se Conformeze Cu Regulile Bagajelor De Cabină Pentru A Evita Întârzierea Zborurilor Din Această Vară
Ryanair, compania aeriană preferată a europenilor, astăzi (11 iulie) le-a solicitat clienților săi să se conformeze pe deplin cu politica sa privind bagajele, odată cu startul celui mai aglomerat sezon de vară de până acum. … more