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5 Point Plan Launched To Double Growth Of Eu Tourism & Create 2m New Jobs

Ryanair, Europe’s No. 1 airline, today (25 May) launched a 5 point plan to grow European tourism by 10% and highlighted the benefits of low cost aviation to the regions. Speaking at the Malta Tourism Conference, Ryanair’s Chief Marketing Officer Kenny Jacobs, emphasised how low fare flights were a key driver of regional tourism and job creation, which could help grow tourism by 10% next year (vs the 4% predicted for 2018) and create an … more

News 25 May 2017

Ryanair Annonce Un Partenariat Avec Le Réseau Erasmus Student Network

RÉDUCTIONS ET AVANTAGES DE VOYAGE POUR LES ÉTUDIANTS ERASMUS Ryanair, la compagnie aérienne n⁰1 en Europe, est devenue aujourd’hui (23 mai) le partenaire exclusif du réseau Erasmus Student Network de l’UE, offrant aux étudiants Erasmus … more

News 24 May 2017

Ryanair Partner Dell’erasmus Student Network

VOLI SCONTATI E BENEFIT DI VIAGGIO PER GLI STUDENTI ERASMUS Ryanair, la compagnia aerea n° 1 in Italia, è diventata oggi (24 maggio) partner esclusivo dell’EU Erasmus Student Network, offrendo agli studenti Erasmus grandi risparmi … more

News 24 May 2017

Ryanair Lancia La Piu’ Ampia Programmazione Di Sempre Per L’inverno 2017/18 Da Treviso E Venezia

9 NUOVE ROTTE (31 IN TOTALE) E OLTRE 2,9 MILIONI DI CLIENTI Ryanair, la compagnia aerea n° 1 in Italia, ha lanciato oggi (23 maggio) la sua più ampia programmazione di sempre per l’inverno 2017/18 … more

News 24 May 2017

Ryanair Wird Partner Des Erasmus-Studentennetzwerks

REDUZIERTE FLUGPREISE & REISEVORTEILE FÜR ERASMUS-STUDENTEN Ryanair, Europas Airline Nr. 1, ist ab heute exklusiver Partner des europäischen Erasmus-Studentennetzwerks. Damit werden Erasmus-Studenten umfassende Einsparungen wie vergünstigte Tickets, kostenlose Gepäckstücke und personalisierte Reiseangebote geboten. Das Erasmus-Programm, … more

News 24 May 2017

Ryanair To Partner Erasmus Student Network

DISCOUNTED FLIGHTS & TRAVEL BENEFITS FOR ERASMUS STUDENTS   Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (23 May) became the exclusive partner of the EU Erasmus Student Network, offering Erasmus students huge savings, with fare discounts, free … more

News 23 May 2017

Ryanair Lance Les Vols En Correspondance À Rome Fiumicino

Ryanair, la compagnie aérienne n⁰1 en Europe, a lancé aujourd’hui (17 mai) ses premiers vols en correspondance via l’aéroport de Rome Fiumicino, offrant à ses clients un choix de destinations élargi et la possibilité d’effectuer … more

News 17 May 2017