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Decolează Rutele De Vară Ale Ryanair Din Oradea
Ryanair, compania aeriană Nr. 1 a Europei, astăzi (29 martie) a sărbătorit startul calendarului Vara 2017 Oradea și primele zboruri pe noile sale rute către Barcelona Girona și Milano Bergamo. Calendarul Ryanair Vara 2017 Oradea (primul de până acum) include 2 noi rute către destinațiile de vacanță Barcelona Girona și Milano Bergamo, ambele operate cu o frecvență de două zboruri săptămânale. Pentru a sărbători deschiderea sezonului de vară, Ryanair a scos la vânzare locuri, din … more
Ryanair – Rusza Letni Rozkład Lotów Z Krakowa
Ryanair, linia lotnicza nr 1 w Polsce, dziś (29 marca) świętowała początek letniego rozkładu lotów z Krakowa 2017 oraz pierwsze loty inauguracyjne z 7 nowych tras na Kretę, do Lamezii, Lourdes, Pescary, Porto, Walencji i … more
Ryanair – Rusza Letni Rozkład Lotów Z Katowic
Ryanair, linia lotnicza nr 1 w Polsce, dziś (29 marca) świętowała początek letniego rozkładu lotów z Katowic 2017 oraz lot inauguracyjny do Hamburga. Siatka połączeń Ryanaira z Katowic na lato 2017 obejmuje 6 tras, w … more
Massive Brexit Seat Sale Launched
ARTICLE 50 SPECIAL – SEATS ON 50 ROUTES ON SALE FOR JUST £9.99 Ryanair, Europe’s No 1 airline, today (29 Mar) launched a massive ‘Article 50’ seat sale with seats on 50 routes from the UK … more
Ryanair Calls For Aviation To Top Brexit Negotiations Agenda
UK COULD BE LEFT WITH NO FLIGHTS TO/FROM EUROPE AFTER BREXIT Ryanair, Europe’s No 1 airline, today (29 Mar) called on the UK Government to put aviation at the forefront of its negotiations with the … more
Ryanair Eröffnet Neue Basis Am Flughafen Frankfurt Am Main
Ryanair, Europas beliebteste Airline, hat heute seine neue Basis (die 9. in Deutschland) am Flughafen Frankfurt am Main eröffnet. Mit sieben stationierten Flugzeugen (eine Investition von $ 700 Millionen) und 24 neuen Strecken wird Ryanair … more
Ryanair’s New Prague Summer Routes Take Off
Ryanair, Europe’s No 1 airline, today (28 Mar) celebrated the start of its Prague summer 2017 schedule and the first flights on its new routes to Liverpool and Trapani. Ryanair’s biggest ever Prague summer 2017 … more