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Il 98% Dei Voli Ryanair È Arrivato In Orario A Settembre
Il 91% Dei Clienti Ha Giudicato Il Proprio Volo ‘Eccellente/Molto Buono/Buono’ Ryanair ha reso noto oggi (5 ottobre) le statistiche del servizio clienti per il mese di settembre, secondo le quali: Il 98% dei voli di settembre è arrivato puntuale Ryanair ha reso noti anche i risultati relativi all’esperienza dei clienti “Rate My Flight” del mese di settembre, che dimostrano che il 91% dei quasi 57.000 intervistati ha valutato il proprio volo come ‘Eccellente/Molto buono/Buono’, … more

98% Dos Voos Da Ryanair Chegaram No Horário Previsto Em Setembro
91% Dos Clientes Classificaram O Seu Voo Ryanair Como Excelente/Muito Bom/Bom Lisboa, 5 de outubro de 2020. A Ryanair divulgou hoje as suas estatísticas de serviço ao cliente correspondentes ao mês de setembro, que demonstram: … more

98% Der Ryanair-Flüge Kamen Im September Pünktlich An
91% Der Kunden Bewerten Ryanair Als “Ausgezeichnet / Sehr Gut / Gut” Ryanair hat heute (5. Oktober) seine September-Kundenservicestatistik veröffentlicht, welche Folgendes zeigt: 98% der Flüge im September kamen pünktlich an. Ryanair veröffentlichte zudem für September ihren monatlichen „Rate My … more

98% Des Vols Ryanair Arrivés À L’heure En Septembre
91% Des Clients Évaluent Leur Vol Comme « Excellent / Très Bien / Bien » Ryanair a publié aujourd’hui (5 octobre) ses statistiques de service à la clientèle pour le mois de septembre, qui indiquent … more

98% Of Ryanair Flights Arrived On Time In September
91% Of Customers Rate Ryanair Excellent/Very Good/Good Ryanair today (5 Oct) released its September customer service statistics, which show that: 98% of September flights arrived on-time Ryanair also released its Sept ‘Rate My Flight’ customer experience … more
Ryanair Welcomes High Court Decision Which Confirms Travel Restrictions Are Not Mandatory
Ryanair today (2 Oct) welcomed the High Court decision which confirms that there is “no legal requirement” to restrict movement for 14 days. Ryanair again calls on the Govt. to immediately adopt the ECDC ‘traffic … more
Ryanair September Traffic Down 64% To 5.1m Guests As Covid-19 Restrictions Impact Traffic
Ryanair Holdings plc today (2 Oct) released September traffic statistics as follows: 2019 2020 Growth Ryanair Group 14.1m 5.1m -64% Rolling Annual 150.3m 79.9m (88% … more