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Ryanair Revela As Medidas Para 2018 Do Programa “Always Getting Better” – Plano De 5 Anos Para Eliminar O Plástico
Ryanair, a companhia aérea nº 1 da Europa, revelou hoje as medidas para 2018 do “Always Getting Better”, constituindo o 5º ano do programa de melhorias na experiência prestada ao cliente que incluem ações a nível do serviço, experiência digital, extras e pegada ambiental. As novas iniciativas a desenvolver ao longo do ano englobam: Promessa de Preço Baixo: encontra uma tarifa mais baixa e devolveremos a diferença + 5€ na tua conta MyRyanair Promessa de … more

Ryanair Prezintă Planul “Always Getting Better” 2018 – Un Proiect Pe 5 Ani Pentru Eliminarea Plasticului
Ryanair, compania aeriană Nr. 1 a Europei, a dezvăluit astăzi, 31 ianuarie, planul pentru “Always Getting Better” 2018, care constituie Anul 5 al programului de îmbunătățire a experienței clienților, și care include beneficii de serviciu, … more

Η Ryanair Ανακοινωνει Το Πλανο Για Το Προγραμμα “Always Getting Better” Για Το 2018 – Εξαλειψη Πλαστικου Μεσα Στα Επομενα 5 Χρονια
Η Ryanair, η No.1 αεροπορική εταιρία της Ευρώπης, σήμερα (31 Ιανουαρίου) ανακοίνωσε το πλάνο για το πρόγραμμα “Always Getting Better” για το 2018, το οποίο είναι στον πέμπτο χρόνο καινοτομιών για την εμπειρία των πελατών … more

Ryanair Unveils 2018 “Always Getting Better” Plan including 5 Year Plan To Eliminate Plastics
Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (31 Jan) unveiled its 2018 “Always Getting Better” plan which forms Year 5 of its customer experience improvement programme, including service, digital, ancillary and environmental developments. The new initiatives to … more

Ryanair And Balpa Sign UK Recognition Agreement – UK Accounts For 25% Of Ryanair’s Fleet And Pilots
Ryanair today (30 Jan) confirmed that it has signed a formal Union Recognition agreement with BALPA (British Airline Pilots Association), who will now be the sole representative body for Ryanair employed Pilots in the UK. … more
Ryanair Annuncia Nuove Rotte Italia-Manchester
Ryanair, la compagnia aerea n.1 in Italia, ha annunciato oggi (25 gennaio) 3 nuove rotte estive dall’Italia a Manchester: Cagliari-Manchester con 2 voli a settimana, Palermo-Manchester con 2 voli a settimana e Treviso-Manchester con 3 … more
Η Ryanair Ανακοινωνει Νεο Δρομολογιο Απο Το Μαντσεστερ Προς Τη Ροδο Και Προσθετει Επιπλεον Πτησεις Προς Τα Χανια
Η Ryanair, η αγαπημένη αεροπορική εταιρία της Ευρώπης, σήμερα (25 Ιανουαρίου), ανακοίνωσε 1 νέο δρομολόγιο από το Μάντσεστερ προς τη Ρόδο, το οποίο θα πραγματοποιείται με συχνότητα δύο εβδομαδιαίων πτήσεων καθώς και επιπλέον πτήσεις προς … more