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Ryanair Restores Nis Scheduled Flights From August
Ryanair, Europe’s No. 1 airline, today (11th June) announced it will restore 2 routes to/from Nis commencing 2nd August, as part of Ryanair’s summer 2020 schedule. As Serbia has relaxed travelling conditions, Ryanair encourages holidaymakers to start planning a summer getaway and celebrate that Europe is successfully overcoming one of its most challenging times. Full details of routes, frequencies and flight times are available on www.ryanair.com. Serbs can now look forward to bagging a bargain … more

Ryanair Restores Ukraine Scheduled Flights From 1 July
Ryanair, Europe’s No. 1 airline, today (11th June) announced it will restore over 20 routes to/from Ukraine commencing 1st July, as part of Ryanair’s summer 2020 schedule. As Ukraine has resumed international flights, Ryanair encourages … more
Ryanair Restores Bratislavia Scheduled Flights From 1 July
Ryanair, Europe’s No. 1 airline, today (11th June) announced it will restore 12 routes to/from Bratislava commencing 1st July, as part of Ryanair’s summer 2020 schedule. As Slovakia prepares to relax travelling conditions, Ryanair encourages … more

Ryanair Restores Montenegro Scheduled Flights From 1 July
Ryanair, Europe’s No. 1 airline, today (9th June) announced it will restore 9 routes to/from Podgorica commencing 1st July, as part of Ryanair’s summer 2020 schedule. As Montenegro has resumed some international flights to welcome … more

Ryanair Restores Bulgaria Scheduled Flights From 1 July
25 Routes On Sale Ryanair, Europe’s No. 1 airline, today (9th June) announced it will restore 25 routes to/from Bulgaria commencing 1st July, as part of Ryanair’s summer 2020 schedule. As Bulgaria has resumed some … more
Ryanair Uspostavlja Ljetni Red Letenja Za Zadar Od 01. Srpnja
Ryanair, najveći europski zračni prijevoznik, danas 09. lipnja objavljuje ponovno uspostavljanje 10 linija iz / za Zadar s početkom od 01. srpnja, a u sklopu ljetnog reda letenja 2020. Budući da je Hrvatska ponovno uspostavila … more
Letecká Společnost Ryanair Obnoví Od 1. Července Spojení Z Prahy, V Nabídce Bude Mít Přes 20 Pravidelných Linek
Letecká společnost Ryanair, evropský letecký dopravce číslo 1, dnes v úterý 9. června oznámila obnovení provozu na Letišti Václava Havla Praha. Od 1. července 2020 nabídne z/do Prahy více než 20 pravidelných spojení v rámci svého letního … more