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Ryanair Sun To Be Rebranded As Buzz In Autumn 2019

Ryanair Sun, today (14 Mar) announced that it will rebrand as Buzz in autumn 2019, operating on a Polish Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC). Ryanair Sun, a standalone business unit of the Ryanair Group, obtained its Polish AOC certificate at the beginning of 2018 and started operating for leading Polish tour-operators in summer 2018 with a fleet of 5 aircraft. Buzz’s fleet currently includes 17 aircraft, growing to 25 aircraft in summer 2019.  Buzz will continue … more

News 14 Mar 2019

Ryanair Launches 2019 Charity Partnerships

Ryanair, Europe’s No. 1 airline, today (13 Mar) launched its international charity partnerships for 2019, supporting ISPCC Childline as its Irish chosen charity partner, and Pequeño Deseo as its European chosen charity partner.     … more

News 13 Mar 2019

Ryanair Lansează Parteneriatele De Mediu Din 2019

Ryanair, compania aeriană Nr. 1 a Europei, a lansat astăzi, 7 martie, parteneriatele sale internaționale de mediu pentru 2019, susținând First Climate (Uganda), Renature Monchique, Irish Whale & Dolphin Group, respectiv Native Woodland Trust, prin … more

News 07 Mar 2019

Ryanair Launches 2019 Environmental Partnerships

Ryanair, Europe’s No. 1 airline, today (7 Mar) launched its international environmental partnerships for 2019, supporting First Climate (Uganda), Renature Monchique, the Irish Whale & Dolphin Group and Native Woodland Trust through customer carbon offset … more

News 07 Mar 2019

93% Of Ryanair Flights Arrived On Time In February (Excl Atc) 90% Of Customers Rate Their Flights ‘Excellent/V. Good/Good’

Ryanair today (6 Mar) released its February customer service statistics, which confirm that it delivers Europe’s No 1 customer service as: 93% of flights arrived on-time (excl. ATC delays) compared to 86% in Feb 2018 … more

News 06 Mar 2019

Traficul Ryanair Crește În Februarie Cu 13% La 9.6 Milioane De Clienți

Ryanair Holdings PLC a lansat astăzi, 4 martie, raportul de trafic pentru februarie, după cum urmează:      2018       2019      (LF)      Creștere Februarie total  8.6m       9.6m     (96%) +13% Ryanair  8.6m       9.3m  … more

News 04 Mar 2019

Ryanair Feb Traffic Grows 13% To 9.6m Customers

Ryanair Holdings PLC today (4 Mar) released Feb traffic statistics as follows:      2018       2019      (LF)      Growth Feb Total  8.6m       9.6m     (96%) +13% Ryanair  8.6m       9.3m     (96%) +9% Laudamotion – … more

News 04 Mar 2019